Elite Youth Training Center

At Coach C 360, we cater to the needs of aspiring athletes, driven competitors, injury preventers, and weight managers. Our training programs are designed to encompass the full spectrum of athletic development, ensuring a well-rounded approach to fitness and performance. Located in fresno, our experienced coaches are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their athletic goals. Contact us today at 559 669 2624 or email us at 360EliteYouthTraining@coachc360.com to book a free consultation and start your journey towards athletic excellence with Coach C 360.

Meet Our Dedicated Team

Our expert coaches are here to support your athletic journey. Discover their passion and commitment!

Sara Thompson

A certified athletic trainer dedicated to injury prevention and wellness for aspiring athletes.

James Miller

A former competitive athlete with a passion for coaching driven competitors to reach their peak.

Emily Johnson

A nutrition specialist focused on weight management and healthy habits for athletes of all levels.

David Smith

An experienced coach helping individuals prevent injuries through tailored training programs.